G.W. E 100 - German tier 10 self-propelled Gun in World of Tanks

G.W. E 100 

The G.W. E 100 is a German tier 10 self-propelled gun in World of Tanks. Although it is a powerful artillery vehicle, it is important to note that the G.W. E 100 was a project and was never produced in real life. Here are some details and capabilities of the G.W. E 100:

Design and Development

- The G.W. E 100 was designed as a project for a 210 mm mortar mounted on the chassis of the E 100.

- Development of this heavy artillery vehicle began at the end of 1943, but it was never completed.

- No prototypes were ever manufactured, and the vehicle did not undergo any trials.

Gameplay Characteristics

- The G.W. E 100 is known for its high-caliber artillery gun, capable of delivering devastating damage to enemy tanks.

- It has a very slight boost to reload time and accuracy compared to the GW Tiger, another German self-propelled gun.

- The G.W. E 100 has a slightly wider horizontal arc, more ammo capacity, and better armor.

In-Game Statistics

- The G.W. E 100 has additional statistics such as camouflage values, terrain resistance, and other performance factors.

- It is a tier 10 vehicle, representing the highest level of artillery gameplay in World of Tanks.

- As with other vehicles, the G.W. E 100 can be upgraded with modules and crew skills to enhance its performance on the battlefield.

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